4 Types of Toothaches and What They Mean

Toothaches can range from dull and constant to sharp and throbbing. Many people complain about tooth pain while eating or right before going to bed, but a toothache can happen any time, any place. Most of the time, people don’t know why they’re tooth is hurting or where exactly the pain is coming from. Understanding […]

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Toothaches can range from dull and constant to sharp and throbbing. Many people complain about tooth pain while eating or right before going to bed, but a toothache can happen any time, any place. Most of the time, people don’t know why they’re tooth is hurting or where exactly the pain is coming from. Understanding the type of pain you’re experiencing is one of the first steps in determining what’s causing the pain.

The best way to know what’s causing your toothache is to visit with your family dentist. X-rays and a thorough examination will help her decide on the proper treatment to relieve your pain.

Here are the four most common types of toothaches and what they mean:

1. Dull, Persistent Ache

This is the most common type of toothache pain. Though it can seem scary, the cause can be something as simple as having food stuck in your teeth. The following issues may be the source of this type of tooth pain:

  • Something lodged between your teeth
  • Something stuck in your gums
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism)
  • An abscessed tooth

Flossing and rinsing your mouth can remove food that has lodged itself in your teeth or gums. If the issue is bruxism, talk to your dentist about a mouthguard and other treatment options. An abscessed tooth needs to be addressed immediately.

2. Sensitivity to Hot and Cold

Dental sensitivity is common, but it can be a serious issue. Pay attention to what triggers the toothache and how long the pain lasts. If the pain is minor and fleeting, you most likely have worn down enamel. Try using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth and avoid extremely hot or cold foods for a week to see if the issue subsides.

If your pain is severe and lasts for more than thirty seconds, the cause is likely much more serious. Tooth decay, fractures, exposed roots, worn fillings, and gum disease can lead to more painful sensitivity. Call your dentist to schedule an appointment today.

3.  Sharp Pain

In nearly every circumstance, sharp or jabbing pain requires a visit to the dentist. This type of toothache usually indicates that a filling is loose or a crown has fallen off. If you don’t have a filling or crown, the pain could be due to a fracture, decay, or wear. The enamel of a tooth may have cracked, or you may have a cavity.

Whatever is causing your pain, your dentist should be able to identify the problem and relieve the pain quickly.

4. Severe, Throbbing Pain

Anytime a toothache is distracting or unbearable, you should contact an emergency dentist immediately. If she doesn’t think the problem needs urgent attention, she will schedule an appointment for another day and give you instructions on how to deal with the pain now.

If you are experiencing other symptoms like discolored gums, bleeding gums, or a weird taste in your mouth, she will most likely have you to go to the office for emergency care.

Other Types of Toothaches

If none of these types of tooth pain are what you’re experiencing, contact your dentist anyway. Describe the pain as best you can, and she will provide specific instructions on how to relieve the pain.

Regardless of the cause of your tooth pain, our family dentist is confident that she can find the issue and effectively treat it.

To meet with Dr. Julie Glud, or to speak with one of our experienced dental team members, call (630) 629-5700.

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