17 FAQs Unveiling the Magic of Invisalign®

In recent years, Invisalign has become the gold standard of orthodontic care. This revolutionary solution offers a discreet and convenient alternative to traditional braces by adjusting teeth through a series of clear aligners.   Obtaining a healthier, more balanced...

Can I eat Halloween candy with Invisalign®?

Halloween is a fun and spooky time of year that many of us look forward to. And one of the biggest highlights of Halloween (especially for children and candy enthusiasts) is the delicious array of sweet treats available. From chocolate bars to gummy worms, the...

Top 5 Unusual Questions About Invisalign

At first blush, Invisalign sounds absolutely awesome! The clear, custom-made aligners are practically invisible, and they’re also removable. Treatment time is less than that of traditional braces, and Invisalign features no wires or brackets to irritate sensitive soft...

Invisalign or braces: which is better for me?

Are you considering reshaping your smile, but aren’t sure if Invisalign® or braces are a better fit for you? In this article, we’ll discuss candidacy factors, benefits, and potential drawbacks of each option. With this information, you’ll be able to make the best...