Children’s Dentistry Explains Why Baby Teeth are Significant

A common misconception is that primary teeth (or baby teeth) are insignificant because they fall out eventually. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. As a mother, Dr. Julie Glud understands that the smallest smiles are worth protecting. So, schedule a children’s dentistry appointment at our family-focused practice by calling (630) 629-5700. Here are […]

Home » Children's Dentistry » Children’s Dentistry Explains Why Baby Teeth are Significant

A common misconception is that primary teeth (or baby teeth) are insignificant because they fall out eventually. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. As a mother, Dr. Julie Glud understands that the smallest smiles are worth protecting. So, schedule a children’s dentistry appointment at our family-focused practice by calling (630) 629-5700. Here are four reasons why the Dental Care of Lombard team believes that baby teeth are so important:

1. They encourage proper growth and development.

In a 2016 study, researchers discovered that missing teeth in early childhood could interfere with facial development, leading to a narrow upper airway and potentially obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Children’s oral and facial structures are in a rapid development period while their baby teeth are set in place. Healthy baby teeth encourage proper jaw, muscle, and facial development. Furthermore, the alveolar bone (the bone that contains tooth sockets) depends on the presence of teeth and their roots for stimulation.

Additionally, baby teeth fall out one by one. One of their most vital roles is to serve as placeholders for adult teeth. Primary teeth save specific spots of their permanent counterparts and help guild them to come in correctly. However, if a primary tooth is decayed, infected, or knocked out prematurely, the other teeth have a natural tendency to shift to fill in the space—leading to misalignment.

2. Baby teeth help kids eat a well-balanced diet.

Severely decayed or missing teeth can limit what children can eat. If they suffer from dental pain, they might stick to soft foods due to limited chewing capabilities.

On the other hand, strong teeth support good nutrition by posing the opportunity for children to eat various foods. A wide range of healthy foods helps children acquire the necessary vitamins and minerals to grow big and strong.

3. They help children communicate.

Learning to communicate appropriately is an enormous part of a child’s social and cognitive development. Speech is one of the main ways humans communicate with each other, and we use our teeth to produce certain sounds in our language. For instance, say the word “teeth.” Now, try to say it again without using your teeth. As you can tell, it’s more challenging, and you might not be able to say it at all.

Healthy teeth help people speak correctly and articulate clearly. However, once your child’s teeth fall out, you might notice that they develop a lisp or hissing sound. Thankfully, this is generally a temporary problem, and your child’s normal speech patterns should return when permanent teeth come in. However, if your child always had issues with enunciating their words, they might need additional help (such as speech therapy) to correct this problem.

4. They might help children learn.

In one study, children with insufficient oral health were nearly three times more likely to be marked absent at school due to dental pain. Surprisingly, not showing up for school might set a bad precedent for life. Researchers support that disengaging and absence in school during childhood might be among the many factors leading to poorer outcomes in early adulthood. When children start disengaging from school, they’re less likely to vote, go to college, and be employed as adults.

Book a Children’s Dentistry Appointment in Lombard, IL

One crucial step for keeping your child’s teeth healthy is attending regular children’s dentistry visits. So, if your child needs a kid’s dentist in Lombard, IL, schedule an appointment with Dr. Glud at Dental Care of Lombard right now by calling (630) 629-5700 or messaging us online. We look forward to partnering with parents to keep children’s smiles healthy.

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