Why Seniors Need a Trustworthy General Dentist

How long has it been since you’ve seen a general dentist? If it’s been longer than six months, it’s time to schedule an appointment, especially if you’re a senior citizen. .  There are more than 52 million senior citizens in the United States, and that number is poised to increase dramatically in the next five […]

Home » Geriatric dentistry » Why Seniors Need a Trustworthy General Dentist

How long has it been since you’ve seen a general dentist? If it’s been longer than six months, it’s time to schedule an appointment, especially if you’re a senior citizen. . 

There are more than 52 million senior citizens in the United States, and that number is poised to increase dramatically in the next five years. Life expectancy hovers around 80 years, but what about quality of life? 

One way that seniors can invest in their longevity is to take care of their oral health. If ignored, oral health issues could impact the quality of life or even cut it tragically short. 

Common Dental Issues Faced by Seniors

Geriatric dentistry focuses on early diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of oral health issues faced by patients 65 years and older. General dentists take a proactive approach, performing regular tooth and gum cleaning. 

Here are the most common dental issues facing seniors today.


  • Gum disease


About two-thirds of all seniors have gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. Tartar along the gumline irritates the gums, causing symptoms like: 

  • Swollen gums
  • Bleeding while brushing teeth and gums
  • Gingivitis, aka bad breath
  • Loose teeth 

Dentists can’t cure gum disease, but they can help manage it with deep cleanings. Patients who become more vigilant about brushing and flossing may be able to slow the progress of this disease. 


  • Tooth decay


Tooth decay is another common problem among seniors. Patients who suddenly get cavities might be confused, but their medications might be to blame. Antacids, blood pressure medications, and antidepressants can all cause dry mouth. 

Dry mouth leads to tooth decay because saliva plays a major role in removing bacteria from the teeth and gums. The absence of saliva can change the oral microbiome for the worse. 

Seniors who take any type of medication should see their general dentist to address tooth decay. Drinking more water and quitting smoking may help address dry mouth and limit tooth decay.


  • Oral cancer


While oral cancer is relatively rare, it still poses a risk to senior citizens. Patients who smoke cigarettes or use chewing tobacco are at high risk, along with people who drink alcohol. Overall, 85% of oral cancer cases affect smokers.

General dentists examine the mouth and gums during routine cleanings. They are looking for some common symptoms of oral cancer including: 

  • Open sores on the inside of the mouth
  • Loose teeth
  • Lumps in the lymph nodes
  • Pain in the face, ears, and neck

Having HPV can also increase the risk of oral cancer. Men are more likely to develop this cancer than women, as are people with pale complexions. If you suspect you have oral cancer, tooth decay, or gum disease, make an appointment with your dentist immediately. 

General Dentistry in Lombard, IL

If you’re looking for a general dentist, you’ve found the right place. Dr. Julie Glud is happy to accept patients of any age in her Lombard office. She offers early morning and evening hours to accommodate school and work schedules. 

Our experienced team is patient and welcoming. We want all our patients to feel comfortable, especially senior citizens. Good oral health is the first defense against oral cancer and infection from advanced gum disease. 

Let’s start with x-rays and cleaning. Schedule an initial consultation with your local general dentist by calling (630) 629-5700, or contact us online.


Dentist Near You


120 E St Charles Rd
Lombard, IL 60148 USA


(630) 629-5700


(630) 613-9760




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Tuesday: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Friday: Closed
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